Planning Commission Members
Seven Valleys has a 5-member Planning Commission appointed by Borough Council for 4-year staggered terms.
They meet as needed on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm as necessary at the Seven Valleys Borough Building, 11 Main Street, Seven Valleys, PA 17360.
The Seven Valleys Planning Commission makes recommendations to the Borough Council on all land development and subdivision applications that are submitted to the Borough.
The Planning Commission plays a vital role in developing the Borough’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan, as well as keeping the Subdivision and Land Development Codes up to date and in compliance with Pennsylvania’s Municipalities Planning Code (MPC).
Because planning is a continuous process that shapes and guides the physical growth of Seven Valleys Borough in harmony with its social and economic needs, the Planning Commission encourages all residents to attend its meetings to express their views.
- Larry E. Garland
- John J. Neal, Vice-Chairman
- John A. Patterson, II, Chairperson
- Ronda Shrader
- Ashlee Stiles
11 Main Street
Seven Valleys, PA 17360 - 717-309-8033